Not very authentic, I'm aware, but fun, anyway.

From that menu you can - Power Armor Crafting - Power Armor - Fallout 4. I'm also able to sneak just fine in my Power Armor just by crouching, with a few points in sneak and a few magazines. Now you will see a menu containing parts of your Power Armor (check the picture below). That's a personal choice, by the way, but, in all the hours I've played, that helmet mod is my favorite, and it's never let me down. I only use vanilla and DLCs, no outside mods at all. I have never, ever had anything aggro on me because I noticed them glowing red way before getting to them. Supposedly that mod aggros mobs, on the wikia pages it gets mentioned in several missions as setting enemies hostile against you before they were supposed to trigger, not sure if it's a bug or an effect of the helmet. So, meanwhile, fun is where you build it! Jetpack is everyone's favorite, probably, but it takes a good while to be able to create it.

Explosive vents are great, but I wind up wounding my companions and settlers on accident using those, so. I don't use outside mods at all, so I almost always put the ones on the legs that add to carry weight. You can build that one fairly early on, as well. Originally posted by Khissi:I personally love the helmet mod that causes all live creatures to glow red.