Furthermore, the direction the player is moving while attacking affects the strength of the attack walking backwards while attacking will reduce the damage inflicted, but while moving forwards will increase damage. For instance, angle down a little to stab, up to chop, left and right to swing from the respective side. Combat takes place primarily in the 3rd person perspective and the direction you swing or block with your weapon is dependent on the angle of the camera. The most unique aspect of Mount & Blade would have to be the combat system. The game is entirely single-player, but multiplayer was eventually added in the Warband expansion pack.

A player may lead his preferred faction to total domination of the world map. The world of Mount & Blade is very dynamic, trade is conducted and wars are fought with or without the players intervention. Eventually, characters can even be Lord or Lady of their own fiefs and castles. From there on, the player can choose their own fate whether they want to become a rich trader, knight and vassal to one of the kings, mercenary, or even help a nations rightful heir reclaim the throne. Mount & Blade takes place in the war-torn land of Calradia where players are thrown into the middle of one of five nations with only a horse and some manner of weapon (beginning inventory is dependent on the character creation questions).