If you don’t already have the custom skeleton you’ll need to install that first and make sure it’s working in game. The process is the same for choosing other XPMSSE-included weapon styles. I share step-by-step instructions on turning main weapon edge-side up and adjusting weapons-on-back distance. This tutorial assumes comfort with file management and willingness to learn if not some experience with editing nif files. Let’s set our own default weapon style! We can also adjust the positions of weapons and quivers to better fit the character if needed.

All the nodes for the other styles exist, but haven’t been set yet for download. As of April 2017, the only weapon styles available for immediate play include 1-handed swords on back, daggers on back hip, and Belt-fastened Quivers (BFQ) with bow. In TES V: Skyrim Special Edition, moving weapon position style or adjusting weapon positions for better fit on your character is a fairly straight-forward process by editing the custom skeleton, “XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended” (XPMSSE) by Groovtama. Skyrim Frostfall and Survival Armor Edit for Warmth Show Your Tail With Campfire Cloak In Skyrim Convert Black Sacrament Armor to SE Step-by-Step