You’ll end up facing one of the large, poison flower monsters, and a couple of panthers. She’ll summon a beast in the beginning and middle of the fight. When it comes to the Wicked Witch’s attacks, there are only a few you should keep an eye out for. While most fights require a bit of heavy preparation beforehand, for the Wicked Witch you need only remember to bring a crossbow and a Silver Sword. She is one of the more interesting fights in Blood and Wine, as she presents herself as a much harder challenge than she actually is. One of the first beasts you’ll face is the Wicked Witch, intent on making you her supper.

When you finally enter “The Land of a Thousand Fables” during the quest “The Night of Long Fangs,” you’ll find yourself in a new quest, “Beyond Hill and Dale…” This particular quest is full of color, magic, and nasty beasts.