Piracy is a ban, no warnings.Support posts without load orders (Not mod list) will be removed.Do not post the same mod/video more than once, with the exception of major updates.Posts promoting a released mod must link to the MOD, not a video.All request posts must be in the weekly sticky thread (Wednesdays). This includes posting mods that were removed / taken down.

One word or vague titles will be removed.Posts asking questions that are answered in sidebar guides may be removed.Don't promote Piracy. Request Wednesday - All Requests must go hereFILTER BY GAMERULES.Posts must be about Fallout / Modding.No Image Macros/Memes as posts.Editing console saves is not 'modding'.Comments not adding to discussion / flaming, will be removed.Use Descriptive Titles. Want to talk about Modding? Whatever it is, you can do it here!Weekly Posts. Fallout Network.Welcome to, Your one stop for Modding EVERYTHING Fallout.Got a mod to share? Still, I reckon the only way we'll get this (at least in Fallout 4) is from modders. Someone managed at some point but you couldn't switch between akimbo and normal, so it basically turned the entire game into dual wield. We've been asking Bethesda for it since Fallout 3.

To dual wield a weapon type, choose your melee weapon and then choose your left hand weapon under armor.

It is used as an armor piece that replaces the wedding ring armor slot. Adds a melee weapon of your choice to the player’s left hand.