So if you already have that installed, you don't need to do anything else.
DLL patching tool mentioned above simultaneously enables in-engine console (default keys: TAB, Tilde). Mass Effect 2 console can be enabled by using three different methods: If you experience such error, you may need to do some DLL patching. This may cause the game to detect that the DLC is "not authorized". Some tweaks described in this article require editing (or patching) of DLC files. This file stores your achievements and bonus power unlocks. There is also a profile file called Player1.prf under the same folder in %Username%\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\BIOGame\Profile that you may want to backup. The ME1 folder contains the Mass Effect save files transferred over by ME2 Configuration Utility. The career folders are named in the format John_31_Soldier_060310 (first name, psych profile/history, class, date of creation). Where X is the drive letter where your Windows system is installed on (usually C:), and %Username% - username that you are logging into the system with. X:\Users\%Username%\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save X:\Documents and Settings\%Username%\My Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save It is recommended to backup your career for the option to revert back later on. Using the modifications described in this article may alter your career permanently. 5.19 Temporarily Activate "NoClip" Mode. 5.17 Skipping Dialogue without Choosing an Unwanted Answer. 5.16 Bind Storm To A Different Key Than Use/Cover. 5.15 Collect More Resources From Planets. 5.9 Enable joystick move (useful for those who want to use mouse while having access to analog movement). 5.4 Editing Shepard Template Face Codes. 5.1 Ability to take only certain weapon types. I can, however, use Gibbed's and modify the Coalesced. Later, when I get home, I'll post the error messages I get (plenty). I'm having a bug right now where, whenever I try to mod ME3, it crashes on startup. Thank you SO much for the alternate Gibbed option. I haven't tested it though as I am currently using EGM right now. That said, it's possible that if you use the Cerberus phantom armor on Shepard, save the game, and then using Gibbed you go to the Raw -> Player -> Appearance tab, making the helmet ID 0 "might" work. There's an Alliance ship near the Citadel where you can buy a bunch of stuff.
This is all done in the armor locker after you've purchased the armor, and really early in the game you can pretty much get all the armor for cheap.
Then just make all the other parts "none" and then "no helmet" and you should get the look you want. I'm using some sort of multiplayer armor and the trick, I think, is to use "normal" armor and make the chest piece the armor you want, and I think EGM has them all.
If you're not opposed to using the Expanded Galaxy Mod,, I think you can make it happen with that.